What Our Customers Are Saying
“The nicest thing about Blickman is that there are no problems. You buy it and forget about it.
— Nancy Ryan, RN in Baptist Hospital in Collierville, TN
“Our daughter, Tricia is on a ventilator and 8-10 different IV medications requiring pumps and tubing that are connected to her 24/7 so you can imagine how difficult it would be for her to move around safely without the Nezzie. The Nezzie has allowed her the ability to get out of bed and move around with ease independently. I believe that getting up and moving around has helped prevent her muscles from atrophying and it has helped prevent pneumonia and other potential problems with her airways.”
— Wendy Melland, Parent of Nezzie Patient
“Not only would I recommend Blickman products, but I have already done so to my peers… All of our case carts are from Blickman. They are extremely well-made, easy to move, and spacious inside. As we ordered the space-saving type, they take up very little room for the amount of supplies they hold. We are in the process of ordering several more for our operating room.”
- Glenna Montgomery, Director of Surgical Services for Yavapai Regional Medical Center, Prescott, AZ
“Everything turned out very well.”
— Chris Cardinal, Director of Emergency Department at North Memorial Medical Center in Robinsdale, MN
“I would strongly recommend Blickman to anyone who asked me about the company’s products… I am very familiar with the Blickman product line, have a number of your products in my O.R.’s, and plan of acquiring more in the future. I especially like the CCC2 Case Carts and the innovative #8771SS Mayo Stands. My only problem is that some of our Blickman products seem to disappear occasionally. Obviously — or is it, unfortunately —others seem to prefer your products as well.”
— Nancy Shatto RN, MSN, CNOR, Nurse Manager, OR/4 NE/PACU of VAMC in Denver, CO
“On November 7th, my family and I traveled to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, and delivered the wagon. It was the second anniversary of bringing our little girl home from the hospital. As I have mentioned before, the only thing that seemed to calm our little princess during her stay was to be pulled around in a wagon. The wagons we used at the hospital did not have an IV pole, which made pulling her around difficult, so we wanted to change that. And I could not have done what I did without your gracious help. The poles that you provided were above what I expected. Thank you so very much for, not only your willingness but your eagerness to help. We will be putting the second pole that you provided to good use soon as well. Again thank you for all the help and support both you and your company provided.”
— Thad Pinkerton, Parent of Pediatric Patient
“I have been selling medical equipment in Houston to various hospitals for over 20 years, and when a customer asks for blanket warmers or stainless steel products, I start with Blickman products. Most items ship quickly and are well protected for shipping. I do not get complaints and get re-orders, receive great customer service, and excellent sales representation. Have enjoyed many large sales over $50,000 over the years.”
— Brian Butterworth, MMS Medical
“Thanks so much Blickman for your help with our stainless steel equipment we put in the new ORs. It is ALL WONDERFUL!! Nicely made, high quality! WE love it.”
— Barbara Wunderlich, RN, BSN, CNOR, Clinical Education Coordinator of University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, NE
“Excellent quality. User-friendly.”
— Diane Wilson, Materials Coordinator of Shawnee Mission Surgery Center, Shawnee Mission, KS
“My first experience with [Blickman products] was at St. Joseph’s in Denver 12 years ago. I’ve always been pleased with the excellent quality of the products and the great service Blickman provides. Whether I am working with the sales rep or the president of the company, I’ve always had a good experience. I will continue to use Blickman for all my stainless steel needs.”
— Bill Thomas, Material Manager at Skagit Valley Hospital in Mount Vernon, WA
“Good quality.”
— Julie Crookshanken, OR Manager at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, MO
“We very much like the Lifetime warranty. We also like the very high quality and will continue to purchase Blickman for our stainless needs.”
– Ruby Rios, Director of SPD of Audie Murphy VAMC, San Antonio, TX
“I have been at Scott & White for 26 years and we still have Blickman products performing well after all these years in the OR. The Lifetime Warranty Blickman has is of great value to us.”
— Alisa Carnes, Director of Perioperative Services at Scott & White Health System in Temple, TX
“Recently, we, fortunately, acquired three [CCC1s]. These are the sturdiest, most attractive, and functional pieces of equipment we have ever obtained. We plan to store all of the pertinent documents for each plane in the individual [case carts]. When the planes are being readied for flight, the cabinet easily and effortlessly rolls out of the way. When the plane is sitting on display in the museum, the smooth exterior side surfaces of the cabinet provide the perfect spaces for signage, photos, display, and museum information.”
— Steve Dean, Pres/CEO Flight of the Phoenix Aviation Museum